[方言] (故意装糊涂蒙混骗人) pretend to be ignorant of sth. in order to gloss it over; act dumb; exploit others' carelessness; feign ignorance in order to swindle sb.; try to fool sb.; try to pass it off
Example Sentences:
Now charles, you may be as a stick as you like with everyone else . 查尔斯,请注意,对别人您尽可以打马虎眼。
The only reason anyone can think of is to sow confusion and aid the drug firms when there's trouble . 唯一可以想象的理由,就是存心制造混乱,在出事时为药品公司打马虎眼。
I recommended that wine to him , and he bought ten cases of it ; he never does anything by halves 我向他推荐那种酒,他买了10箱;他做事从不打马虎眼。