[ dǎmáifu ] 1.(伏击) lie in ambush; set an ambush;ambush 2.(隐藏; 隐瞒) hold sth. back for one's own use; keep sth. in reserve
Example Sentences:
They may blend in with the colour or texture of their background in order to lie in ambush waiting for their own prey 它们会将体色和纹理与背景恰当地融合在一起,再打埋伏等待自己的猎物上门。
The first time i went out i presently discover d that there were goats in the island , which was a great satisfaction to me ; but then it was attended with this misfortune to me , viz 不久我真的打死了一只。我首先发现了山羊经常出没之地,就采用打埋伏的办法来获取我的猎物。