| 1. | By his special wish no one attended that ceremony, or wore black for him . 根据他特别留下的遗言,火葬时谁也不让参加,也不许戴孝。 |
| 2. | In second childhood she said her "nunc dimittis"--the sweetest canticle to the holly . 在这第二次的童年,她说出了永别的遗言真是对圣灵最美妙的歌颂。 |
| 3. | When he died, broken and under the scowl of vichy, towards the beginning of 1941, his last words were of hope in me . 将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。 |
| 4. | He uttered his last words and closed his eyes 他说出了临终遗言后闭了上眼睛。 |
| 5. | Any last words ? - the new curtains are hideous 有什么遗言吗? -那个新窗帘真难看 |
| 6. | - any last words ? - the new curtains are hideous -有什么遗言吗? -那个新窗帘真难看 |
| 7. | His last words are still ringing in my ears 他的临终遗言还在我耳边回响。 |
| 8. | They were the last words talisac uttered 这句话成了塔利萨克医生的遗言。 |
| 9. | He rushed down to listen to sakyamuni s last words ,便急忙跑来听释迦牟尼的最后遗言。 |
| 10. | Expect you ' d want to say your famous last words right now 我想你可能要说著名的临终遗言了 |