Traditional network analyzer has large volume , cannot save the data which is tested and cannot connet with pc . these give user a lot of discommodity 传统的网络分析仪不仅价格昂贵,而且体积庞大,更不能保存和打印测量结果,也不能与计算机接口,给使用者带来了诸多不便。
However , the general - purpose image measurement system yield a lot of discommodity and insufficiency in particular applications . so the development of this task has its essential and practical significance 而已经商业化的通用性的应用系统对于特定应用场合来说不一定能满足需要,因此,该课题的提出有其必要性和现实的意义。
Operating system experiment system ( oses ) has been a old topic , but it developed slowly . so it is discommodity to go deep into study the principle of the operating system ( os ) for the learners , that most learners ca n ' t master the os “操作系统实验系统”是一个较早的话题,可也是一个发展不够充分的一项技术,这给深入学习操作系统的原理带来了不便,以致绝大多数学习者对操作系统理解不透。
Image measurement and analysis on - line and at high accuracy has been applied in many industrial filed widely . however , the general - purpose and some special - purpose image - processing system yield a lot of discommodity and insufficiency in particular applications . so the development of this task has its essential and practical significance 图象的在线和高精度的测量分析也越来越广泛的应用于工业的许多领域,而已经商业化的应用系统对特定应用场合有许多的不便和不足,因此,该课题的提出有其必要性和现实的意义。
The traditional analog frequency - sweeping instrument , which mostly uses the lc circuit as the frequency oscillator , is more expensive , too much bigger and heavy to carry . it can only display the curve of amplitude - frequency , but ca n ' t used to measure the phase - frequency , and ca n ' t used to print the curve of frequency response characteristic either . it brings many discommodity to the user 传统的模拟式扫频仪大多是用lc电路构成扫频振荡器,它不仅价格昂贵,体积庞大,而且只能显示幅频特性曲线,不能得到相频特性曲线,更不能打印被测网络的频响曲线,给使用者带来诸多不便。