On china ' s urban pauperization and urbanites ' minimum living security system 城市最低生活保障制度的缺陷及对策
Urban pauperization in our country and the system of safeguarding minimum standard of living for townspeople 论我国城市贫困化与城市居民最低生活保障制度
Li - jia system can not be adapted to society and emerged malpractice , in the short period from the investigating of registered permanent residence to the memorial to the throne that contributed by ke song the development of commodity economy , increasing and transferring ot population , field exchanging and grabbing by landlord , and the pauperization ot peasantry , all the factors that came forth in late ming dynasty disorganized li - jia system 从首次举行编审,到柯耸的《编审厘弊疏》 ,在很短的时间内里甲制度就已经暴露出严重不适合社会现实的种种弊端。明末以来商品经济的发展、人口的增殖与流动、土地买卖兼并以及大多数农民贫困加剧等因素,动摇着里甲制度。