| 1. | A hedge between keeps friendship green . 朋友间保持一定距离,可使友谊永存。 |
| 2. | Radium can be fixed some distance from its original source . 镭在离它的原始母体一定距离上固定下来。 |
| 3. | Beyond a certain distance we are out of contact with our headquarters . 我们跟总部超过一定距离通讯就会中断。 |
| 4. | In general an aphid cannot or hardly identify its host at a distance . 在一定距离以外,蚜虫通常不能或难以识别其寄主植物。 |
| 5. | Erratics ate boulders transported by glaciers and deposited some distance from their point of origin . 漂砾是由冰川搬运并在距发源地一定距离的地方堆积的巨砾。 |
| 6. | By such forces particles may interact with each other even when separated in empty space . 即使质点在空间相隔一定距离,由于这些力的缘故,它们之间仍有相互作用。 |
| 7. | At arm ' s length . to keep some one at arm ' s length 这是和某人保持一定距离的意思。 |
| 8. | To keep someone at arm ' s length 这是和某人保持一定距离的意思 |
| 9. | This can be improved as the groups are separated more 当两组探测器(观测站)相隔一定距离,便可解决。 |
| 10. | They don ' t chase and activate on contact or at a small range 只有距目标一定距离或击中目标时才能引爆。 |