[ yījiànrúgù ] feel like old friends at the first meeting; become fast friends at the first meeting; become immediately the best of friends; become intimate at the first meeting; be like old friends from the start; friendly at the first meeting; hit it off well right from the beginning; strike up a friendship with sb. at the first meeting; take to each other at once 短语和例子 我和你一见如故, 这是人生最难得的事。 you and i are like old friends from the start, and that doesn't happen to many men
我保证我们会一见如故: we’d smile at one another and we’d say
Example Sentences:
Even after meeting only once , they felt a kinship . 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。
Fielding was not surprised at the rapidity of their intimacy . 菲尔丁对这种一见如故的样子并不觉得奇怪。
You and i are like old friends from the start , and that does n't happen to many men . 我和你一见如故,这是人生最难得的事。
He began to talk and laugh, in happy, thoughtless, boyish fashion, as we walked along, and made himself old friend with me at once . 我跟他一起走着,他就谈笑起来,高高兴兴,无忧无虑,非常孩子气,还真是跟我一见如故。
We met on holiday and just clicked immediately 我们在假日相识,一见如故
I ' ll miss our pleasant talk when you leave 你们一见如故,他说,你走后他将会怀念这次谈话。
My brother and my boyfriend hit it off right from the start 我哥哥和我的男友两人一见如故。
Within minutes of being introduced , they were chatting away like old friends 他们经人介绍熟悉才几分钟,便一见如故地聊个没完。
Sometimes it ' s as if we ' ve known each other for a long time 有时,我们遇到一个陌生人,感觉仿佛是一见如故,就好像我们已经相识甚久。
She looks a typical western woman , natural , easy - going and talkative 金太阳是典型的当代西方女性:落落大方,一见如故,无拘无束,谈吐自如。