弓: Ⅰ名词1.(射箭或发弹丸的器械) bow 短语和例子弹弓 catapult; slingshot; 强弓 a heavy bow; 张弓搭箭 with bows drawn and arrows set2.(弓子) bow-shaped things 短语和例子小提琴的弓 bow of a violin3.(木制的丈量地亩的器具) wooden land-measuring
蛇: 蛇名词(爬行动物) snake; serpent; mole catcher 短语和例子海蛇 marine snake; 多蛇的地方 a snaky place; 蛇药 antidote for snake-bites; 耍蛇的人 serpent-charmer; 蛇盘绕在树枝上。 the snake coiled itself round the branch. 蛇吞青蛙