Vincent : i ' ve seen ' em do it , man . they fucking drown ' em in that shit 文森特:我看见他们这么做,男人。他们他妈的把自己淹死在那便便中。
Boris inquired what news there was on the staff and whether he could not without indiscretion tell them something about our plans 鲍里斯探问司令部里有什么消息,是否可于便中打听到我们拟订的军事计划。
If the bowel habit changes suddenly or if you pass out blood or mucus , it may be the signal of some serious disease of the bowel , e . g . cancer 倘若大便习惯突然改变,甚或便中有血或黏液,均应尽早求诊,切勿讳疾忌医,因为这些可能是肠癌的徵兆。
If the bowel habit changes suddenly or if you pass out blood or mucus , it may be the signal of some serious disease of the bowel , e . g . cancer 倘若大便习惯突然改变,甚或便中有血或黏液,均应尽早求诊,切勿讳疾忌医,因为这些可能是肠癌的徵兆。
A few days after anatoles departure , pierre received a note from prince andrey to inform him that he had arrived , and to beg him to go and see him 阿纳托利走后过了几天皮埃尔接到一封安德烈公爵写来的便函,在便函中告知皮埃尔说他回来了,并请他便中去看他。