| 1. | This can become a driving force for social advance . 这能成为促使社会前进的动力。 |
| 2. | That zigzag route will slow their advance . 走‘之’字形路线,将使他们前进的速度变慢。 |
| 3. | Whoever goes against the tide of history will come to no good end . 阻挡历史前进的人都没有好下场。 |
| 4. | They regarded this theory as a beacon lighting up their advance . 他们把这种理论看作是他们前进的指路明灯。 |
| 5. | When the waggon had passed on, gabriel withdrew from his point of espial . 当马车继续前进的时候,加布里埃尔也离开了他窥探的地点。 |
| 6. | One must not underrate darlan, nor fail to understand the impulse that moved him . 人们不应该低估达尔朗,同时也不应该不知道推动着他前进的动机。 |
| 7. | His normal style when confronted with an obstacle was to bulldoze it into submission . 在前进的道路上碰到障碍时,他通常的做法是铲平障碍,继续前进。 |
| 8. | The drums sounded the advance, the redcoats moved forward, the clans were beaten back . 战鼓发出前进的命令,身穿红外套的英国士兵向前推进,高地人被击败后退。 |
| 9. | All that morning as they had moved up the river he had been noting the direction in which they marched . 这一上午,他一边顺着河走,一边暗暗留意队伍前进的方向。 |
| 10. | He was forty-eight hours ahead and he had the advantage that only he knew the route that had to be followed . 他领先四十八小时,而且得天独厚,只有他知道前进的路程。 |