| 1. | Superintendent of police - normally commands a headquarters unit or police division -通常是总部单位主管或分区指挥官 |
| 2. | How much do you make now ? ( or how much did you make from your last job 单位主管:你目前(或上一份工作)的待遇是多少? |
| 3. | That might be possible . let me think about it and call you back later 单位主管:这样的话也许有可能。让我考虑一下再回你电话。 |
| 4. | Supervisors may obtain an outline of the program by calling the training section of hr department 单位主管可以连络人力资源部训练组洽询本训练的大纲 |
| 5. | Application : application forms have been sent to the heads of departments and administrative units 申请办法:申请表格已发送给各部门及行政单位主管。 |
| 6. | The commissioner is authorized to discharge at any time any member on the recommendation of his unit commander 处长有权根据单位主管的建议,随时将任何队员解职。 |
| 7. | The implementation details of the proposals were discussed in the service unit heads meeting on 26 october 2004 2004年10月26日服务单位主管会议就执行细则徵询意见。 |
| 8. | Competent authorities charged with the administration of interconnected units shall carry out the annual examination of profit - making access units 互联单位主管部门对经营性接入单位实行年检制度。 |
| 9. | We just felt he was a better match for this position . i know you are very good too but we have decided to go with someone else 单位主管:我们只是觉得他较适合这个职位,我知道你也很优秀,但我们已决定请他了。 |
| 10. | The competent authorities or units shall inform applicants of their decision in a written form within 20 working days from the date they receive applications 互联单位主管部门或者主管单位应当在收到接入单位申请书后20个工作日内,将审批意见以书面形式通知申请单位。 |