| 1. | On the form of insurance contract 浅议保险合同形式 |
| 2. | Thought on the form of contract 合同形式刍议 |
| 3. | As for the form of guaranty contract , only written contract is acceptable 对合同形式问题认同只有书面形式才受法律保护。 |
| 4. | Understanding of the requirements of a contracts strategy and the various types of contracts 理解合同策略的要求和多种合同形式。 |
| 5. | A trust established in the form of trust contract shall come into existence when the trust contract is concluded 采取信托合同形式设立信托的,信托合同签订时,信托成立。 |
| 6. | The written form of labour contract should be the proof instead of effective element to actual labour relationship 摘要书面劳动合同形式不应该成为事实劳动关系的有效要件,而应该是证明要件。 |
| 7. | It ' s indicated in the preamble that the contract concerning the third party is a breakthrough in the important principle - relativity of the contract 第三人利益合同是对古典契约法上的重要原则? ?合同的相对性的突破,许多国家的立法都对该合同形式作出了相关规定。 |
| 8. | Since form contract came out , compared with other forms of contracts , for example , public utilities , it demonstrated unmatched advantage , as a result became the main form of commodity exchange 格式合同自问世以来,便显示出其他合同形式所无法比拟的优越性,成为众多领域(如公共事业)商品交换的主要形式。 |
| 9. | E - format contract is the most popular type of e - contract . it includes many different types such as click - wrap contract , shrink - wrap license contract , access contract and mass - market license contract 电子格式合同作为电子合同中最广泛采用的一种合同形式,常见的形式包括网站点击合同、网上软件拆封许可合同、系统使用合同和大众市场许可合同。 |
| 10. | The valid guaranty liability contract concerns qualification of the guarantor and form of the guaranty liability contract . the academic field has a various opinions on " qualification of a guarantor " and no unanimous opinion is reached 在有效保证合同中,涉及到保证人资格和保证合同形式问题,理论界就“保证人资格”问题争论颇多,意见不一。 |