Conversely , arms control advocates call for rules of conduct for space - faring nations , if not a fully fledged multilateral treaty , that prohibit direct attacks on satellites and the stationing of weapons in space 相反,武器控制的提倡者要求太空使用国制定相关法规,如果没有充分达成多边协定,就禁止直接攻击人造卫星和太空武器化。
China believes that the most direct and effective way to achieve this purpose in the new century is to negotiate and bring into being a new international legal instrument , in addition to continued strict compliance with the existing ones 中国认为,在新的世纪防止外空武器化、防止外空军备竞赛,最为直接、有效的办法是在严格遵守现有适用于外空的双边和多边协定的基础上,谈判缔结新的国际法律文书。
《 the agreement on trade - related investment measures 》 ( hereinafter as 《 trims 》 ) under wto is not only the only global and substantial multi - lateral agreement in international investment scope , but also the simplest one of the three new agreements in service trade , international investment and intellectual property rights . therefore , people is ambiguous about the background of formation , the understanding and application of contents , and the developing trends of trims Wto框架下的《 theagreementontrade - relatedinvestmentmeasures 》 (以下简称《 trins 》 ) ,即《与贸易有关的投资措施协定》 (以下简称《协定》 ) ,是迄今为止国际社会在国际投资领域所达成的唯一一个全球性、实体性的多边协定,也是乌拉圭回合谈判就服务贸易、国际投资和知识产权三个新议题所达成的协定中最简短的一个。
A new agreement on government procurement ( gpa ) was signed in marrakech in 1994 . in spite of gpa is at presently only a multilateral agreement of self - imposed , from long - range , sooner or later it will be brought into the series of agreements of wto . china is the member state of wto , it will be an inevitable tendency to go into the gpa and open the government procurement marker 尽管gpa目前只是一个自愿加入的诸边协定,但从长远的角度看,它被纳入wto的一揽子协议成为多边协定是迟早的事,我国是wto成员国,加入gpa ,开放政府采购市场也是大势所趋。
In spite of gpa is at present only a multilateral agreement of self - imposed , from long - range , sooner or later it will be brought into the series of agreements of wto . china is the member state of wto , it will be an inevitable tendency to go into the gpa and open the government procurement market 尽管政府采购协议目前只是一个自愿加入的诸边协定,但从长远的角度看,它被纳入wto的一揽子协议成为多边协定的一部分是迟早的事,我国是世贸组织成员国,加入政府采购协议,开放政府采购市场也是大势所趋。
In any event , subject to 1 . above and any applicable limitation under the warsaw convention or under cpa s conditions of travel , the liability of cplp and or cpa in contract , tort or otherwise with respect to any claim arising in respect of acts or omissions in operating the club shall be limited to the value of the ticket being used by the member in connection with which the matter arises or hkd10 , 000 whichever is greater . cplp will endeavour to ensure the availability of services of the club when these are provided by partners but will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by partners to provide such services 在任何情况下,于前述第1段及华沙协定有关民航损失赔偿之多边协定或国泰航空之旅游守则所订定予国泰常客计划之义务,及或国泰航空之契约民事侵犯或侵害,或在不同情况之下的责任限制,如遇有任何因本会运作之行为或错漏而提出之索偿,本会只限于根据有关事件,补发会员于购买该机票所付之总金额或10 , 000港元以较高者为准。