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Chinese translation for "实际水平"

practical level

Related Translations:
实际经验:  hands-on experience nounpractical experience
与实际:  gdp
实际模型:  realistic model
实际国民生产总值:  actual gross national productsreal gross national product
实际塔:  actual column
实际缩尺:  full scale
实际送达:  actual service
实际日期:  actual dates
实际库存:  actual storephysical holding of stockphysical inventory
实际溶液:  actual solutionreal solution
Example Sentences:
1.Setting realistic levels of costs and receipts
2.The results of the test reflect the real level of the website usability
3.With exchange controls this means that the exchange rate is dependent upon the overall balance of international payments
4.It said the new target , the uncollateralised overnight call rate , would be kept at “ effectively zero per cent ” for several months
央行表示,新的目标,即无担保隔夜拆款利率,将在数月内保持在“百分之零的实际水平上” 。
5." we had a below - bar performance today , but i am delighted that we won the first gold for the chinese delegation , " wang said
“今天的比赛中我们并未发挥出实际水平,但是我仍很高兴为中国代表团赢得了首枚金牌。 ”王义夫说。
6." we had a below - bar performance today , but i am delighted that we won the first gold for the chinese delegation , " wang said
“今天的比赛没有发挥我们的实际水平,但是我很高兴我们为中国代表团赢得了首枚金牌。 ”王义夫说。
7." we had a below - bar performance today , but i am delighted that we won the first gold for the chinese delegation , " wang said
王义夫说: “今天的比赛低于我们的实际水平,但是我很高兴地看到我们为中国代表团赢得了首枚金牌。 ”
8.Nowadays , the realization of high - code - rate property and miniaturization are the main task of developing pcm transmitter
根据目前我们的实际水平, pcm发射机的高码速率数据传输和小型化的实现是目前pcm发射机发展的主导方向。
9.Chelsea ' s injury time win at wigan on the opening day of the season no longer looks the gross underachievement it was portrayed as at the time
10.According to the real level of beijing power grid today , this paper will discuss how to improve the power quality of beijing power grid and make some suggestions
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