| 1. | Theory of oblique - incidence achromatic phase retarder 斜入射消色差相位延迟器原理 |
| 2. | Design of optical fiber phase retardation device 光纤相位延迟器的设计 |
| 3. | Half - wave retarder 半波延迟器 |
| 4. | Automatic sprinkler system - part 2 : wet system alarm valves retard chamber water motor alarm 自动喷水灭火系统第2部分:湿式报警阀延迟器水力警铃 |
| 5. | So we can say that everywhere use polarized light technique can hardly work without optical phase retarders 可以说几乎所有应用偏光技术的地方都离不开光相位延迟器。 |
| 6. | Achromatic optical phase retarders can be made by different methods and by miscellaneous design forms , while the common aim is to improve the achromatic spectral range and precision 消色差延迟器能用各种方法制作,设计形式多种多样,设计思路也不尽相同,但它们的共同之处是努力提高消色差范围和延迟量精度。 |
| 7. | The common are quarter - wave plate and half - wave plate . fitted with other polarimetric elements , they can realize converting and rotating of polarization states , and modifying of all kinds of light wave 光相位延迟器同其他偏光器件相配合,可以实现光的各种偏振态之间的相互转换、偏振面的旋转以及各类光波的调制。 |
| 8. | We can see from the formula 8 = ? 2 n d ( ne - n0 ) / x that the retardation will be independent on wavelength if the refraction indices have direct ratio to wavelength , then we will get the achromatic optical phase retarders 根据关系式2 d ( n _ e - n _ o )可知,如果材料的双折射率与波长成正比,延迟量便与波长无关,即可获得消色差相位延迟器。 |
| 9. | Achromatic optical phase retarders can be divided into two main types according to design mechanics , birefringence and total abstract internal reflection . the simple flat - plate birefringent ones have been proved to be ideal by experience 消色差相位延迟器,根据设计的机理不同可以分成两大类:一是全内反射型消色差相位延迟器,二是双折射型消色差相位延迟器。 |
| 10. | Therefore somebody put forward the design of achromatic optical phase retarders whose retardation are insensitive to wavelength . due to the less dependence on wavelength , this kind of optical phase retarders have an extensive used perspective 光相位延迟量与波长无关的延迟器称为消色差延迟器,消色差延迟器削弱了相位延迟量对波长的依赖程度,有着广阔的应用前景。 |