掇山五法: five methods" of rock pilingfive methods” of rock piling
Example Sentences:
Nevertheless , he sat tight , just viewing the slightly soiled photo creased by opulent curves , none the worse for wear , however , and looked away thoughtfully with the intention of not further increasing the other s possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint 尽管如此,他依然端坐在那里,瞅着那张丰满的曲线起了皱折稍带点污迹的照片,然而它并未由于陈旧而变得逊色。为了不至于进一步增添对方在掂掇她那隆起的丰腴231胸脯的匀称美时可能感到的窘迫,他体贴入微地把视线移开了。