| 1. | Must always physically contain 必须总是物理地包含 |
| 2. | Never attempt to change the boot order by physically unplugging drives 不要尝试通过物理地断开驱动器来更改引导顺序。 |
| 3. | Never physically swap disks in an attempt to reorder the boot devices 不要试着通过物理地交换磁盘来重新排序引导设备。 |
| 4. | A control signal generates a magnetic field in the relay s coil that physically closes a switch 一个控制信号在继电器的线圈产生磁场,物理地闭合开关。 |
| 5. | The tool itself will not physically move anything ; it only makes changes to db2s internal metadata to reflect what you have done 该工具本身不会物理地移动任何东西,只能改变db2的内部元数据,以反映您所作的修改。 |
| 6. | One possible solution is to physically remove one of the video cards ; another option is to disable one of the cards using a kernel boot parameter 一种解决方法是物理地取下一块视频卡另外一种方法是用内核引导参数禁止其中一块。 |
| 7. | You can use raid redundant array of independent disks to achieve hardware partitioning without splitting tables by physically placing them on individual disk drives 您可以使用独立磁盘冗余阵列( redundant array of independent disk , raid )进行硬件分区,物理地将表放在单独的磁盘驱动器上而不必分割表。 |
| 8. | In an environment where the database is physically divided among two or more database partitions , there must be a way to keep the related pieces of the divided tables as close together as possible , which is called 在数据库被物理地划分为两个或多个数据库分区的环境中,必须有一种方法可将划分的表的相关碎片尽可能地靠近。完成此过程的功能称为 |
| 9. | The tool allows a dba to physically move the location of an entire database , or of one or more table space containers , without having to perform a backup and restore which can be a time and resource - consuming process 该工具可以帮助dba物理地移动整个数据库、一个或多个表的空间容器的位置,而不必进行任何备份和恢复操作(这些操作可能需要花费很多时间和资源) 。 |
| 10. | The db2relocatedb tool allows a db2 universal database for linux , unix and windows dba to physically move the location of an entire database , or of one or more table space containers , without having to perform a backup and restore Db2relocatedb工具允许db2 udb for linux 、 unix和windows的dba物理地移动整个数据库、一个或多个表空间容器的位置,而不必进行任何备份和恢复。 |