| 1. | The land requirement for the provision of governmentinstitutioncommunity uses is great 现时政府机构社区用地需求甚殷。 |
| 2. | To achieve better utilisation of land in the dilapidated urban areas to meet various development needs 妥善运用破落旧区的土地,以满足各项发展用地需求; |
| 3. | China is at the stage of rapid urbanization , with the rapid development of urban population and economy 摘要目前,我国已进入快速城市化阶段,城市人口、经济快速增长,城市建成区空间快速蔓延,城市建设用地需求急剧增加。 |
| 4. | How should we cater for the special land needs arising from foreign and local investments ? should we create a land bank and , if so , how big 我们应该怎样回应因本地与外地投资而衍生的特殊用地需求-应否设立土地储备系统? |
| 5. | Of the total , about 3 ha . of land are required to meet by the expected ura redevelopment activities in its initial 5 years of operation 在上述用地需求中,约有3公顷的土地,须用作容纳预料受市区重建局首五年重建工作影响的人士。 |
| 6. | On rehousing land requirement , the study estimated that a total of about 11 ha . of land , are required to meet the long term rehousing needs of the 200 priority project areas 就安置用地需求而言,这项研究估计大约需11公顷的土地以应付200个优先重建地盘的长远安置需要。 |
| 7. | As a result of globalisation and advancement in technology , the economic environment can change very quickly . consequently , the demand for land for various economic activities is more and more difficult to predict 全球一体化及科技跃进,令经济环境瞬息万变,为各种经济活动预测用地需求因而变得异常困难。 |
| 8. | Their experiences concerning the more sustainable and efficient use of our land resources such as convertingreusing obsolete industrial buildings ; flexibility in land use planning system and availability of land for unforeseen land requirements 各城市在面对以上各项问题上的经验,包括提高土地资源效能及可持续发展(如改建重建空置的工业楼宇) 、加强土地用途规划的灵活性及为难以预测的用地需求提供土地等。 |
| 9. | Even though commercial and residential property donot necessarily move together , the same factors associated with the americanhousing market ? tighter lending standards and slower economic growth ? should hurtbusiness demand for office and retail space as well 也许商业和居住地产并不必然一致,不过当贷款标准升高且经济发展变缓时,商业办公和零售空间的用地需求同样会受到影响,这和美国房地产市场上发生的事情别无二致。 |