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Home > english-chinese > "由其他货物引起的损坏" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "由其他货物引起的损坏"

damage caused by other cargo

Related Translations:
引起:  give rise to; lead to; set off; touch off; cause; arouse; stir up; lead up to; bring about; bring to 短语和例子引起共鸣 evoke sympathy; 引起公愤 incur [arouse] public resentment; set off [touch off] pu
引起共鸣:  appeal
引起并发症:  lead to complicationssuperinduce
引起溶血:  hemolyze
引起不和:  foment discord ill feeling civil disorder etc
引起忧伤:  event causing such feelings
引起疱:  vesicate
引起憎恨:  bring into hatred
引起反对:  objectional
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