[ píkāiròuzhàn ] one's skin was split and one's flesh broke forth -- badly bruised from [by] flogging; (beat sb. till) his flesh was torn to shreds; open wound; one's skin hung in tatters, the flesh was battered.; one's skin was flayed open and one's flesh was torn.; one's skin was split and one's flesh protruded.; serious bodily injuries inflicted presumably with a cat-of-nine-tails or a knout; skin and flesh torn; the skin split and the flesh protruded; the skin torn and flesh gaping; (flog sb.) until his skin burst open and his flesh hung in shreds; with skin cut open and flesh torn 短语和例子 被打得皮开肉绽 be beaten to a mass of bruises; be bruised and lacerated
Amid the torn flesh, blood, and dirty, tousled hair, it was difficult to be sure . 现在很难说,因为她皮开肉绽,血肉模糊,头发又脏又乱。
I ' ll whip you down to the bone , you . . . 我要把你打的皮开肉绽,你. .
I ' ll whip you down to the bone , you 我要把你打的皮开肉绽,你
I am going to bust you wide open 我将把你打得皮开肉绽。
In fact they took about a month to heal during which time i was unable to write 我的手指皮开肉绽,差不多一个月才康复,其间不能执笔。
Cracked heels not only unsightly but can be dangerous if not treated properly and become painful , bleed and infected 脚皮硬化,如果不加理会,将导致硬皮裂流血皮开肉绽,容易被细菌侵袭及感染。
Next the cow s owner arrived and whipped the poor , thin cow , tearing her skin open . but the whining animal refused to get out of the way 此刻,牛的主人赶来,扬起长鞭狠狠地抽打这只瘦骨嶙峋的老牛,牛被打得皮开肉绽,痛苦哀嚎着,但仍然不肯让道。
We were only a wall apart , but the slope behind our apartment complex remained wooded , while the area behind this adjacent building looked as though it had been skinned and ripped apart . we thanked god that the supporting backdrop of trees on the slope behind us had stood firmly 而我们这一栋虽只有一墙之隔,但后山却依然树青草绿,与隔栋后山被剥了一层皮似的皮开肉绽比较,直是天壤之别,真要感谢树神牢牢地抓着大地不放,我们的靠山才能依然健在。
The river has washed the images clean , made them into smooth stones for him to examine without pain or passion : ripped skin and crushed bone , the walls of a body and walls of stone surrounding him , tendrils of light consoling him and murmuring that a bird settled on a branch needs to fly to know the river ' s path 河水的冲刷,使印象变得愈发清晰,他们被带到了光滑的石堆里,而他则无痛且平静的体会着:浑身皮开肉绽,被人和石头环绕着,卷曲四射的光亮物体安慰着他,喃喃道:栖于枝头的鸟,只有凌空飞翔,才能知道河流的行径。