| 1. | Network of consolidation centres and regional gateways to manage cargo flows 透过集运中心和地区入口网络管理货物流 |
| 2. | I n generai idea , seaworthy and care for goods and no deviation are carrier ' s basic obligations 一般认为使船舶适航、管理货物和不绕航是承运人在国际海上货物运输合同中承担的基本义务。 |
| 3. | At ups , global distribution involves managing not only the movement of goods , but also the flow of information and finance that moves with the goods 在ups ,全球配送不仅涉及管理货物的运送,还涉及管理伴随货物一起传送的信息与资金流动。 |
| 4. | On 13 oct , the moc and customs administration announced the category of goods administered under export permit and the category of goods administered under export permit of petty trade in frontier areas 2006年12月22日,商务部、海关总署公布《 2007年出口许可证管理货物目录》 、 《 2007年边境小额贸易出口许可证管理货物目录》 。 |
| 5. | The commodity code is the 10 - digit commodity code in the annual catalogue of goods subject to the export license management publicized by the ministry of commerce , and the commodity name shall be generated by the release system automatically 按商务部公布的年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的10位商品编码填报,商品名称由发证系统自动生成。 |
| 6. | An operator shall , when exporting goods in the catalogue for goods subject to the control of export license , apply for export license to the license issuing agency as designated by the catalogue for graded license issuance of goods subject to the control of exl3ort license 经营者出口《出口许可证管理货物目录》中的货物,应当到《出口许可证管理分级发证目录》指定的发证机构申领出口许可证。 |
| 7. | Article 17 for the commodities subject to export license control for repayment of foreign loans or under compensation trade projects , a license issuing agency shall issue the export license according to the catalogue for goods subject to the control of export license and the catalogue for grades license issuance of goods subject to the control of export license on the basis of the export quotas granted by the ministry of commerce for repayment of foreign loans or that of the compensation trade 第十七条偿还国外贷款或者补偿贸易项下属于出口许可证管理的货物,发证机构按商务部制定的《出口许可证管理货物目录》和《出口许可证管理分级发证目录》 ,凭商务部下达的偿还国外贷款或者补偿贸易的出口配额签发出口许可证。 |
| 8. | From the common view that shipper can discharge his burden of proof by proving goods received in good condition and deiivered damaged , this author argues that the obi igation of the carrier is to deliver goods in condition received and in time by anaiyzi ng the reiationship between " goods received i n good condition and dei ivered damaged ) " and the " basic obiigations " ot the carrier 本章以货方通过证明货物“交好返坏”即完成举证责任为根本出发点,通过分析“交好返坏”这一事实和船舶适航、管理货物等“基本义务”之间的关系,提出完好地、及时地将货物运抵目的地,交付给收货人是承运人在合同中承担主要义务。 |
| 9. | Article 19 each license issuing agency shall issue the export license for the relevant export goods strictly in accordance with the requirements in the annual catalogue for goods subject to the control of export license and the catalogue for graded license issuance of goods subject to the control of export license within 3 workdays from the date of receiving the application conforming to the requirements , no license may be issued in violation of the provisions 第十九条各发证机构应当严格按照年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》和《出口许可证管理分级发证目录》的要求,自收到符合规定的申请之日起3个工作日内签发相关出口货物的出口许可证,不得违反规定发证。 |