Chinese translation for "经常性贷款"
- commercial lending
Related Translations:
经常性维修: maintenance overhaulmaintenance overheadroutine maintenance 经常性支出: current expenditurescurrent outlayscurrent paymentrecurrent expenditurerunning expenseswiederkehrende ausgaben pl./stndige ausgaben pl./laufender aufwand 经常性通货膨胀: permanent inflationprotracted inflation 经常性成本: recurrent costrecurring costs 经常性开支: current pavmentcurrent paymentsoverhead expenditurerecurrent expendituresrecurrent expenses 经常性收入: recurring incomeregular income
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Financing project financing , financing in the form of bonds and stocks , fund raising , idle funds , commercial lending , lending rate , grants , guarantor 融资项目贷款债券股票融资集资游资经常性贷款贷款利率赠款担保人 |
- Similar Words:
- "经常性补充援助计划" Chinese translation, "经常性财政开支" Chinese translation, "经常性成本" Chinese translation, "经常性成本 经常性成本" Chinese translation, "经常性出版物" Chinese translation, "经常性的财政收入" Chinese translation, "经常性的关节脱落" Chinese translation, "经常性的损益" Chinese translation, "经常性番计" Chinese translation, "经常性费用" Chinese translation