He ran into an old flame of his at the supermarket 他在超级市场碰见了他的一个老相好。
Betty morgan got a fur coat from her sugar daddy 贝蒂摩根小姐从她的老相好那儿得到了一件毛皮大衣。
A young chap who cried a lot the first time he came . an old gentleman friend of the departed , i ll be bound , because they do say she was a bit of a one , you know “一个年轻人,他第一次来的时候哭得很伤心,大概是死者的老相好,因为那个女的好像不是个规矩人。
And what s more interesting is that canadian mathematicians were said to be maoist in 70 s because they talked about " reactionary math " and " revolutionary math " in the sense how easy they can be understood by layman “哎,一回事,一回事,就是在联合国那喊两句冤想要改嫁另立门户就可以向老寡妇那领钱,如果再进一步答应让老寡妇过去坐坐会会老相好还会另有红包相送。 ”
When i looked at it , i didn t see it ; when it was removed , i felt its existence ; when it was brought in , i realized its significance ; finally i carve its figure in my heart and then i get a visual ; this is called recognition . from time to time , i was bothered by a simple question 那时无依无靠,既无安身立命的本事,以前的几个老相好如美国英国又正打算跟刚成立的大陆政府套近乎,心里那个怨气真比怨妇还甚,还时不时担心原来的夫家打上门来被带回那就更是万劫不复了。 ”
However , coding of such a simple program simply took away my sleep of the night because it is first time for me to handle the windows privilege accessing rights which is a bit messy . it seems to me that linux tends to store these rights in data while windows tends to associate these rights with operations . both approaches have its limit and disadvantages 老寡妇这个急呀,到处去找老相好买防身的家伙,什么飞机潜艇战舰什么的,不问价码统统往家搬,人家也知道老寡妇是个有钱的贱货,不宰白不宰,就都加价加码以次充好地卖给老寡妇,这贱货还不知道拿回家后隔着海峡向婆家炫耀。 ”
Coding work requires you to have hot blood because your heart needs to be warmed up . so , you become a cold - blooded , warm - hearted , passionate , emotionless hybrid . when i was twinkling with dcel , i got an " internal compiler error c1001 " which didn t make me slightest panic at all because i know there must be somebody else running into it long time ago 黄教授看着眼里心气稍平,继续猛喝啤酒道: “最近,吕老婊子说老寡妇地位未定就是变着法儿为改嫁做借口,都寡居这么多年了还没定下来,真是如狼似虎的年纪了,老相好自己也不知道有多少个,地位未定是不是说嫁给哪个相好做二奶也不定啊?
This morning i have wasted a lot of time to fix my last bug of " out of core rendering " which i really hope is the last bug . i re - calculate the size of leaf octree node such that it won t waste too much file storage . also i fixed the single " break " bug which " inflates " data file by many times 正房是不答应的,八抬大轿那是大闺女才有份啊,唉,估计最后也只有由她去了,问题是真到了那一天,老寡妇的老相好们帮着她打到咱门口最后还是让她去,不如现在就跟老寡妇谈谈开个价码,看出多少钱答应让她改嫁,省得最后闹得人财两空,你看呢?