| 1. | Fiduciary duty is the basis of the verdict 诚信义务是确定财务报告法律责任的依据。 |
| 2. | On insurer ' s most credibility obligation 试析保险人的最大诚信义务 |
| 3. | Part five . the controling shareholders " civil liability 第五部分:控制股东违反诚信义务的民事责任。 |
| 4. | On theoretical foundation of fiduciary duty of controlling shareholder of joint - stock company 论股份公司控制股东诚信义务的法理基础 |
| 5. | It is only the disobey of faith when freight forward propagandize for the owners 货运代理人在未取得签单权的情况下为船东揽货的行为系违反代理中的诚信义务并非双方代理。 |
| 6. | The action against jack grubman is being brought in conjunction with actions by the nasd , nyse and nyag 投资银行违反诚信义务,有关负责人和业务人员也必须承担相应的责任。 |
| 7. | The ways of china ’ s takeover of listed companies are mainly takeover by offer and takeover by agreement 完善立法,加强对公司收购中目标公司控股股东诚信义务的规制势在必行。 |
| 8. | Julian javier garza , rethinking corporate governance : the role of minority shareholders - comparative study , st . mary ‘ s law journal , 2000 冯果、艾传涛: 《控制股东诚信义务及民事责任制度研究》 ,载王保树主编《商事法论集》第6卷,法律出版社2002年版,第65页。 |
| 9. | The fiduciary duty inclouds the duty of care and the duty of loyalty . now , such legislation in our country is very poor , we should establish and perfect it 本文认为,控制股东诚信义务应包括注意义务和忠实义务两方面,并对其具体表现作了比较详细的介绍。 |
| 10. | And there will be more and more trust , cartel , syndicate , konzern and group enterprises . affiliated transaction will become more and more common in china 当然,仅对控制股东科以诚信义务还不足以遏止不公平关联交易的发生,还必须从外部对控制股东加以制约。 |