In other bills he had a lot of other names and done other wonderful things , like finding water and gold with a " divining - rod , " dissipating witch spells , " and so on 在其它一些小传单上,他又有了别的一些名字,能有种种非凡的能耐,象用“万灵宝杖” ,可以划地出泉,掘土生金还有“驱赶邪魔外道” ,如此等等,不一而足。
Within a big blaze of transformative flames he dances ecstatically , exorcising the ugly demons of greedy entanglement with a threatening gesture ; transforming hatred into wisdom with his diamond thunderbolt - sceptre that symbolizes the indestructibility of awareness beyond concepts 金刚手菩萨在熊熊烈火中狂喜的舞著其凶煞狞人的外相驱除了一切邪魔外道?手持金刚杵象征著不灭的佛性能够化?恨为空性。