| 1. | Impressions of the new golden age beholding heavenly flower 印象黄金新世纪,看见天堂花 |
| 2. | Impressions of the new golden age beholding heavenly flowers 印象黄金新世纪,看见天堂花 |
| 3. | 109 photo collection greeting the golden new millennium photo collection 109彩页集锦迎接黄金新千禧 |
| 4. | Greeting the golden new millennium 迎接黄金新千禧 |
| 5. | Impressions of the new golden age beholding heavenly flowers - supreme art - the supreme master ching hai news no . 150 印象黄金新世纪,看见天堂花-无上艺术-清海无上师新闻杂志第150期 |
| 6. | Costa rican initiates celebrated the true new year and the start of the golden age for all humanity with a two - day retreat and large party 哥斯大黎加同修以禅二与大型盛会来庆贺真正的新年,并揭开人类黄金新世纪的序幕。 |
| 7. | Also , each initiate and non - initiate guest received a gold envelope with the following message in red lettering : welcome to the new golden era 每位同修与贵宾都收到一个金色信封袋,袋内装著师父小法相,袋上印著红字:欢迎登上黄金新世纪! |
| 8. | Commodities dropped about 80 % in real terms and since these markets fell for such a long time , there was little exploration for new metals deposits 扣除通胀等因素,这20年里黄金产品下降了大约80 % ,而且因为黄金产品价格下降的时间延续得如此之久,对黄金新矿床的勘探也就少之又少。 |
| 9. | They were also grateful to her for allowing them to share her good news on this very special occasion , the celebration of our worlds new year of saintly beings and the new golden age 感谢师父让我们有机会在这个特殊的时刻传播福音,这是庆贺这个圣人世界的新年及黄金新世纪到来的盛会。 |
| 10. | Montreal center fellow initiates gathered to thank god and celebrate the reality of the new golden age , enjoying a scrumptious meal and a fine performance by a sister initiate who disguised herself as a story - teller 为了表达对上帝的感恩,并庆贺黄金新世纪的到来,蒙特利尔小中心的同修聚欢庆。我们享用了丰盛的一餐,并欣赏由一位师姊装扮成说故事者的精采节目演出。 |