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French translation for "earnings"

[ 'ə:niŋz ] 
n. salaire; profits, bénéfices
Example Sentences:
1.Its gross earnings reached $660 million.
Son EBITDA atteignait 660 millions de dollars.
2.Murray invested his earnings from the company into independent animated films.
Murray s'est investi dans des films animés indépendants.
3.Perhaps they can be used to compensate for loss of earnings.
peut-être ces ressources pourront-elles servir de compensation aux pertes de salaire.
4.Their passports and all their earnings were confiscated by the traffickers.
leurs passeports et leurs biens avaient été confisqués par les trafiquants.
5.The critical problem is still the problem of earnings - of wages.
le problème crucial reste celui des revenus , des salaires.
6.Married women granted the right to control their own earnings.
On accorde aux femmes mariées le droit de gérer leurs avoirs.
7.Also the operation of the channel generates low levels of earnings.
Aussi, l'exploitation du canal génère de faibles taux de bénéfices.
8.The companies annual earnings are approximately 150 million USD.
La compagnie a un chiffre d'affaires annuel d'environ 150 millions de dollars.
9."Branch Line Total Earnings Year 1950 As Shown On Form 7251."
Branch Line Total Earnings Year 1950 As Shown On Form 7251.
10.EBIT means Earnings before interest and taxes.
L’EBITDA a donné naissance au bénéfice avant intérêts et impôts (EBIT en anglais).
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