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French translation for "futurity"

n. le futur; les générations prochaines; le monde de l'au-delà; futur; futurisme
Example Sentences:
1.Naming the horse Telly's Pop, it won several races in 1975 including the Norfolk Stakes and Del Mar Futurity.
Avec ce cheval, nommé « Pop Telly », il a gagné plusieurs courses en 1975, ainsi que la Norfolk Stakes et la Del Mar Futurity.
2.His second book, Cruising Utopia: the Then and There of Queer Futurity, was published by NYU Press in 2009.
Son deuxième livre, Cruising Utopia: the Then and There of Queer Futurity, a été publié par les presses de l'université de New York en 2009.
3.Muñoz critiques Lee Edelman's book "No Future" and the concept of queer death drive that results in Muñoz theorization of queer futurity or queer sociality.
Muñoz critique le livre de Lee Edelman No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive et son analyse des pulsions de mort.
4.Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics (1999) Cruising Utopia: the Then and There of Queer Futurity (2009) With Celeste Fraser Delgado.
Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics (1999) Cruising Utopia: the Then and There of Queer Futurity (2009) avec Jennifer Doyle et Jonathan Flatley.
5.Queer futurity thus "illuminates a landscape of possibility for minoritarian subjects through the aesthetic-strategies for surviving and imagining utopian modes of being in the world."
Ainsi le « futur queer » « illumine un champ des possibles pour les sujets minoritaires à travers les stratégies-esthétiques de survie et la recherche de modes de vie utopiques ».
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