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French translation for "itzhak"

n. itzhak ou isaac, prénom masculin (hébreu)
Example Sentences:
1.She assisted Galamian with Itzhak Perlman.
Elle a aidé Galamian pendant la formation d'Itzhak Perlman.
2.In 1986 it was bought by Itzhak Perlman.
En 1986, il a été acheté par Itzhak Perlman.
3.He then joined the class of Itzhak Rashkovsky at the Royal College of Music in London.
Il intègre ensuite la classe d'Itzhak Rashkovsky au Royal College of Music de Londres.
4.Itzhak Fried, What makes peaceful neighbours become mass murderers, Nature, 11 may 2015.
Consulté le 17 janvier 2018. ↑ Itzhak Fried, What makes peaceful neighbours become mass murderers, dans Nature, 11 mai 2015.
5.Rutenberg endorsed the labour party (Poalei Zion) and cooperated with David Ben-Gurion, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, and Ber Borochov.
Rutenberg soutient le parti marxiste-sioniste Poale Zion et coopère avec David Ben Gourion, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi et Dov-Ber Borochov.
6.He convinced Yehudi Menuhin to resell his Soil Stradivarius, which he deemed unsuitable for his playing, to Itzhak Perlman.
Il convainc Yehudi Menuhin de revendre son Stradivarius, le Soil, qu'il juge inadapté à son jeu, à Itzhak Perlman.
7.We must follow the way prepared by itzhak rabin and yasser arafat , the way of negotiation and peace.
il faut reprendre le chemin tracé par itzak rabin avec yasser arafat , celui de la négociation et de la paix.
8.He went on to study at Eton College and Girton College, Cambridge, and continued his violin studies with Itzhak Rashkovsky and Shlomo Mintz.
Il étudie à l'Eton College et au Girton College à Cambridge, puis poursuit ses études de violon avec Itzhak Rashkovsky et Shlomo Mintz.
9.Summer of 2006 and January 2007 also saw Anantawan with a full scholarship at the Perlman School of Music under Itzhak Perlman.
Pendant l'été 2006 et en janvier 2007, il a reçu la bourse de la Perlman School of Music et a étudié avec Itzhak Perlman.
10.The plan was finalized between Amichai Paglin (Irgun alias 'Gidi'), Chief of Operations of the Irgun, and Itzhak Sadeh, commander of the Palmach.
Les plans sont finalisés entre Amikhaï Feglin (Gidi), chef des opérations de l'Irgoun, et Itzhak Sadeh, commandant du Palmach (branche armée de la Haganah).
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