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French translation for "manners"

[ 'mænəz ]
n. savoir-vivre, bonnes manières; politesse; courtoisie
Example Sentences:
1.Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland 1552–1563?
Henry Manners, 2e Comte de Rutland 1551–1563?
2.Edward Manners, 3rd Earl of Rutland 1574–1587?
Edward Manners, 3e Comte de Rutland 1574–1587?
3.It caricatured the manners of the Commonwealth.
Elle caricature les mœurs du Commonwealth d'Angleterre.
4.Manners, customs and social institutions connected therewith.
Manners, Customs and Social institutions Connected therewith.
5.Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary: Provincial Manners.
Flaubert, Madame Bovary, mœurs de province.
6.Here's a million of manners.
Elle abrite aussi un million de manuscrits.
7.Last Friday the breaches of manners were sadly conspicuous.
Aujourd'hui comme hier, les transgressions choquent.
8.His countenance is pleasing, and his manners extremely good.
Sa pointe est parfaite et sa trempe excellente.
9.Have you forgotten your manners?
Avez-vous oublié vos manières ?
10.Homosexuality in Mexican film appears depicted in two manners.
L'homosexualité dans le cinéma mexicain apparaît représentée de deux manières.
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