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French translation for "sabbia"

Example Sentences:
1.Following the success of Oltre le nuvole, in 2000 Turci was asked to try again the same formula for a new album Mi basta il paradiso (Paradise is enough for me), where, together with covers, there are a number of previously unreleased songs such as Sabbia bagnata (Wet sand) and Saluto l’inverno (Goodbye winter) both singles written together with her friend, the singer Carmen Consoli.
Les années 2000 À la suite du succès de l’album Oltre le nuvole (Au-delà des nuages), en 2000, Paola Turci publie avec la même inspiration un nouvel album Mi basta il paradiso (Le paradis me suffit) qui comporte aussi Sabbia bagnata (Sable humide)et Saluto l'inverno (Je salue l'hiver), deux titres écrits en collaboration avec son amie, la chanteuse Carmen Consoli.
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