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French translation for "variorum"

n. livre ayant de nombreux commentaires
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1.Variorum Collected Studies Series CS805.
Variorum Collected Studies Series CS182.
2.Droit impérial et traditions locales dans l’Égypte romaine, Aldershot : Éditions Variorum, 1990.
Droit impérial et traditions locales dans l’Égypte romaine, Aldershot, Éditions Variorum, 1990.
3.Bernard Hamilton, The Latin Church in the Crusader States: The Secular Church (London: Variorum, 1980), pp. 262.
Bernard Hamilton, The Latin Church in the Crusader States: The Secular Church (Londres : Variorum, 1980).
4."Optics and Mathematics: Research on the history of scientific thought in Arabic," Variorum reprints, Aldershot, 1992.
Optique et Mathématiques : Recherches sur l’histoire de la pensée scientifique en arabe, Variorum reprints, Aldershot, 1992.
5.His most celebrated work is entitled Practica musica, exempla variorum signorum, proportionum, et canonum, judicium de tonis ac quaedam de arte suaviter et artificiose cantandi continens (Wittenberg, 1556).
Son travail le plus célèbre est intitulé Practica Musica, exempla variorum signorum, proportionum, et canonum, judicium de Tonis ac quaedam de arte suaviter et artificiose cantandi continens (Wittenberg, 1556).
6.Menckenii De Charlataneria eruditorum declamationes duae cum notis variorum; from 1725 to 1738, an annotated Latin translation of the three works of Dom Calmet—the Dictionnaire de la Bible, Prolégomènes et Dissertations, and Commentaire littéral.
Menckenii De Charlataneria eruditorum declamationes duae cum notis variorum ; de 1725 à 1738 une traduction latine annotée des trois ouvrages de Dom Calmet – le Dictionnaire de la Bible, Prolégomènes et Dissertations et Commentaire littéral.
7.In that year he received two commissions for Lilio Gregorio Giraldi and Clément Baudin's Pinax iconicus antiquorum ac variorum in sepulturis rituum, published in 1556, and the Livre d'anneaux published in 1561, dedicated to the poet Barthélemy Aneau.
Illustrations gravées : Lilio Gregorio Giraldi et Clément Baudin Pinax iconicus antiquorum ac variorum in sepulturis rituum, publié en 1556 Livre d'anneaux d'orfèvrerie, publié en 1561, dédicacé à son ami, le poète Barthélemy Aneau mort cette année.
8.In 1801 the University of Dublin made him an LL.D. At the time of his death, Malone was at work on a new octavo edition of Shakespeare, and he left his material to James Boswell the younger; the result was the edition of 1821 generally known as the Third Variorum edition in twenty-one volumes.
Au moment de sa mort, Malone travaille sur une nouvelle édition in-octavo de Shakespeare et la laisse, inachevée, au jeune James Boswell qui la complète et la publie en 1821 en 21 volumes (connue sous le nom de Third Variorum edition).
9.Holden Furber, "In the Footsteps of a German 'Nabob': William Bolts in the Swedish Archives", The Indian Archives, vol.12, nos.1-2, January–December 1958; reprinted in Holden Furber, Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century, edited by Rosane Rocher, Aldershot and Brookfield, Variorum, 1997, Variorum Collected Studies CS569).
Holden Furber, « In the Footsteps of a German ‘Nabob’: William Bolts in the Swedish Archives », The Indian Archives, vol.12, nos.1-2, January–December 1958 ; reprinted in Holden Furber, Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century, edited by Rosane Rocher, Aldershot and Brookfield, Variorum, 1997, Variorum Collected Studies CS569).
10.Holden Furber, "In the Footsteps of a German 'Nabob': William Bolts in the Swedish Archives", The Indian Archives, vol.12, nos.1-2, January–December 1958; reprinted in Holden Furber, Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century, edited by Rosane Rocher, Aldershot and Brookfield, Variorum, 1997, Variorum Collected Studies CS569).
Holden Furber, « In the Footsteps of a German ‘Nabob’: William Bolts in the Swedish Archives », The Indian Archives, vol.12, nos.1-2, January–December 1958 ; reprinted in Holden Furber, Private Fortunes and Company Profits in the India Trade in the 18th Century, edited by Rosane Rocher, Aldershot and Brookfield, Variorum, 1997, Variorum Collected Studies CS569).
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