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English translation for "hammam"

n. hammam, arabic public bathhouse with separate areas for hot and cold bathing
Example Sentences:
1.She has a sister, Aicha Hammam.
Elle à une soeur, Aicha Hammam.
2.These hills are separated by the Prek Sampouch watercourse.
Ces collines sont coupées par l'oued El Hammam.
3.It is the most famous hammam in Isfahan.
Il est le hammam le plus célèbre à Ispahan.
4.He also holds the office of mayor of Hammam Sousse.
Il occupe aussi la fonction de maire de Hammam Sousse.
5.Instead, they chose to film in a hamam in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Le choix du lieu s'est alors porté sur un hammam de Salonique en Grèce.
6.Each of these categories has its own village square, mosque, hammam and graveyard.
Chaque quartier a sa place centrale, sa mosquée, son hammam et son cimetière.
7.The structure consists of one large hammam and a small hammam and also a Howz.
L'édifice comprend un gros hammam, un petit hammam et un Howz.
8.The structure consists of one large hammam and a small hammam and also a Howz.
L'édifice comprend un gros hammam, un petit hammam et un Howz.
9.Hammam was discovered in Amsterdam's Central Station by an agent from CODE Management in 2010.
Hammam est découverte à Amsterdam par un agent de CODE Management en 2010.
10.The Ksar had its own 3-century old Hammam, heated by a wood fire.
Le Ksar disposait de son propre Hammam vieux de 3 siècle, chauffé au feu de bois.
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