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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

isonicotinique adj. isonicotinic
isonitrile n. isonitrile, isocyanide, c...
isopropanol n. isopropanol, isopropyl al...
isopropylique adj. isopropyl
isospin n. isospin
isostasie n. isostasy, balance between...
isostatique adj. isostatic, of isostasy,...
isothermal adj. isothermal, pertaining ...
isotherme n. isotherm, line on a meteo...
isotope adj. isotopic, of an isotope...
isotopie n. isotopy
isotopique adj. isotopic, of an isotope...
ispahan n. esfahan, city in iran (al...
issant adj. nascent, in the beginni...
issaquah n. issaquah, city located in...
issar n. issar, male first name; f...
issn issn, international standard...
issoire n. issoire, city in france
issoudun n. issoudun, city in france
issu adj. descended from; stemmin...
issu de adj. stemming from, descende...
issue n. exit, outlet; solution, o...
issue de secours n. emergency exit
istanboul n. istanbul, port city in no...
istanbul n. istanbul, port city in no...
isthme n. isthmus, narrow strip of ...
istres n. istres, city in france
italianisation n. italianization, adoption ...
italianiser v. italianize, render italia...
italianisme n. italianism, a quality cha...
italianiste n. italianist, a person who ...
italie n. italy, country in western...
italien adj. italiann. italiann. ita...
italique adj. italic, italic type, fo...
italo- pref. italo-
itamar n. itamar, male first name (...
itamar rabinovich n. itamar rabinovich, israel...
item n. item, question
ithaca n. ithaca, island located in...
ithaque n. ithaque, one of the ionia...
itp civil engineer, one who desi...
itshak n. yitzhak rabin (1922-95), ...
itzhak n. itzhak, male first name
itzhak perlman n. itzhak perlman (born 1945...
itzhaki n. yitzchak, male first name...
iufm university institute for tea...
iut university of technology,iu...
ivan n. ivan, male first name
ivan krylov n. ivan krylov (1769-1844), ...
ivan lendl n. ivan lendl (born 1960), c...
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