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English translation for "nazi"

adj. nazi, of or pertaining to the nazis; of nazi beliefs, pertaining to nazism; resembling nazi ideas or behavior (history)
n. nazi, member of the german national socialist party that governed in germany under the leadership of adolf hitler from 1933-1945; fascist, one who adheres to ideas of nazism (history)
Example Sentences:
1.Nothing equates to the nazi holocaust.
rien ne peut être assimilé à l’holocauste nazi.
2.Nazi and communist totalitarianism destroyed democracy.
le totalitarisme nazi et communiste a détruit la démocratie.
3.Gentzen joined the Nazi Party in 1937.
Gentzen rejoint le parti nazi en 1937.
4.They do not like bright light.
Le nazi n'aime pas la lumière.
5.KUBE, Wilhelm (1887–1943) Nazi Party politician.
Wilhelm Kube (1887-1943), homme politique nazi.
6."A la caza del ultimo Nazi".
Au cœur de la traque du dernier Nazi.
7.At one point, the Nazi pushed him.
À ce moment-là, un garde nazi lui saute dessus.
8."Former Nazi camp guard charged 29,000 times".
"Notorious Nazi Prison Camp is Liberated, 32,000 are Freed".
9.It has been compared to a Nazi concentration camp.
Il s'agit d'un camp de concentration nazi.
10.In 1941, Kantušer had to flee from the nazis.
En 1941, Kantušer doit fuir l'occupant nazi.
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