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English translation for "racheter"

v. ransom; redeem, pay off, regain through payment
Example Sentences:
1.To fund and buy out the opposition.
il s'agit de financer et de racheter l'opposition.
2.MFS was later purchased by Worldcom.
Ce dernier se fera racheter par Worldcom.
3.The rich man asked to buy it back.
L'homme riche a demandé à le racheter.
4.He tried to redeem them and failed.
Il a essayé de les racheter et a échoué.
5.However, unexpected events force him to steal it.
Néanmoins, des événements inattendus lui permettront de se racheter.
6.In 1864, Blunt was able to redeem himself.
En 1864, Blunt est en mesure de se racheter.
7.You can buy it out - it costs peanuts.
il est possible de la racheter - pour trois fois rien.
8.Magnus was taken prisoner, and had to buy his freedom.
Magnus est fait prisonnier et doit racheter sa liberté.
9.To save her honour, Lucretia must marry him in fact.
Pour se racheter, Lyconide prévoit de se marier avec elle.
10.Barbarossa made several unsuccessful attempts to ransom Sinan's son.
Barberousse fit plusieurs tentatives infructueuses pour racheter le fils de Sinan.
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