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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

表扬某人的勤奋好学精神 commend sb. upon his diligen...
表报 statistical tables and repor...
表明 make known
表明她的初衷 disclose her original intent...
表明心迹 show clearly one's mind
表明态度 make clear one's attitude
表明意图 disclose one's intention
表明立场 make known one's position
表明诚意 show one's good faith
表栖生物 epibiont
表格 table
表格分段 table segmenting
表格印刷 business form printing
表格排版 tabular matter
表格数据结构 list data structure
表格显示 tabular display
表格结构 tableau format
表毛皮 epitrichoderm
表气不固 exterior Qi instability
表氯醇 epichlorhydrin
表汗 bring about perspiration
表渐渐地达到了现在这样完美的程度 It was little by little that...
表演 perform
表演伞 performance parachute
表演唱 singing with actions
表演场设在观众座席中央的剧院 theatre-in-the-round
表演实际操作法 demonstrate operating method...
表演症 histrionism
表演者 performer
表演节目 give a performance
表演赛 exhibition match
表演过火 overdo one's part
表演项目 exhibition event
表热 exterior heat
表热里寒 exterior heat and interior c...
表率 model
表现 expression
表现主义 expressionism
表现了年青人的锐气 show the dashing spirit of y...
表现出优秀的品质 show fine qualities
表现出很强的妒忌情绪 show great jealousy
表现出心胸宽大和通情达理的气魄 exhibit a spirit of liberali...
表现出明智的态度 show a sensible attitude
表现出极大的勇敢和智慧 display immense courage and ...
表现出高姿态 show a magnanimous attitude
表现型 phenotype
表现度 expressivity
表现形式 form of expression
表现得正大光明 play fair and upright
表现得特别亲切 make a display of one's affe...
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