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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

表链饰物 fob
表露 show
表面 surface
表面上 superficial
表面上动机 ostensible motive
表面上印象 surface impression
表面上相似 superficial resemblance
表面下 subsurface
表面下原始细胞 subsurface initial
表面下漂浮生物 infranenston
表面之词 a superficial statement
表面价值 face value
表面势垒 surface potential barrier
表面化 come to the surface
表面声波 surface acoustic wave
表面层 superficial layer
表面张力 surface tension
表面张力效应 surface tension effect
表面张力波 capillary waves
表面张力测定装置 surface tension aparatus
表面张力测量术 stalagmometry
表面张力滴重计 stalagmometer
表面张力电量法 tensammetry
表面张力计 surface tension balance
表面性 acrotic
表面性溃疡 usur
表面文章 specious writing
表面波 surface wave
表面破损 surface damage
表面硬化 case harden
表面硬化法 chapmanizing
表面硬化渗碳剂 case-hardening carburizen
表面硬化玻璃 case-hardened glass
表面硬化钢 cement steel
表面积 superficial area
表高 indicated altitude
vent in the sides of a garme...
衩见 "裤衩"
unlined upper garment
衬上一层纸 put a piece of paper underne...
衬圈 junk ring
衬块 filler block
衬垫 backing strap
衬字 word inserted in a line of v...
衬布 lining cloth lapping cloth i...
衬布洗涤机 blanket washing machine
衬布缝头横档痕 bump seam
衬底 underlayment
衬托 set off
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