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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

衬料 lining
衬映 set off
衬景 scene that serves as a foil ...
衬板 cleading
衬纸 slip sheet
衬衣 underclothes
衬衣破了一个洞 have a hole in one's shirt
衬衫 shirt
衬衫式茄克衫 bush jacket
衬衫的颜色与上衣的不相称 The colour of the shirt does...
衬衫袖口 wristband
衬裙 underskirt
衬裤 underpants
衬里 lining
衬页 endpaper
衬领 dickey
衬驼绒的大衣 a fleece-lined overcoat
ceremonial dress of the empe...
衮服 ceremonial dress of the empe...
衮衮 continual numerous
衮衮诸公 high-ranking officials
衰世之秋 in the time of the age of de...
衰亡 become feeble and die
衰减 attenuation
衰减器 attenuator
衰减器探头 attenuator probe
衰减因数 attenuation factor
衰减失真 attenuation distortion
衰减度 degree of decay
衰减曲线 die-away curve
衰减测定装置 attenuation measuring device
衰减测量 attenuation measurement
衰减率 attenuation ratio
衰减电压 evanescent voltage
衰减电路 attenuator circuit
衰减等级 class of attenuation
衰减管 attenuator tube
衰减系数 attenuation coefficient
衰减范围 attenuation range
衰减计 decremeter
衰减速度 rate of decay
衰减量 decrement
衰减阻抗 damped impedance
衰变 decay
衰变产物 progeny
衰变因数 decay factor
衰变图 decay mode
衰变定律 decay law
衰变室 decay chamber
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