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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

表示钦佩 express admiration for
表端影直 If the signpost is upright,i...
表编辑程序 list editor program
表膜 pellicle
表药 medicine administered to bri...
表虚 exterior deficiency
表被 indumentum
表襮 expose
表观 apparent
表解 tabulated solution
表记 sth. given as a token
表证 illness that has not attache...
表语 predicative
表象 presentation representation
表象定理 representation theorem
表象理论 representation theory
表象空间 representative space
表象论 presentationism
表贡 Biao Gong
表达 deliver
表达了人民的意愿 express the wishes of the pe...
表达人民的美好愿望 voice the good wishes of the...
表达力 expressiveness
表达单位 ceneme
表达单位学 cenematics
表达子 expressor
表达式 representation
表达式求值 evaluation of expression
表达法 mode of expression standard
表达自己的快乐 express one's pleasure
表达青年的心声 voice the aspirations of the...
表述 formulation
表速 indicated airspeed
表邪入里 exterior evil inward invasio...
表里 the outside and the inside
表里一致 make one's appearance tally ...
表里不一 speak and act in one way but...
表里俱寒 cold in both exterior and in...
表里俱热 heat in both exterior and in...
表里双解 relieving exterior-interior ...
表里双解剂 exterior-interior relieving ...
表里受敌 be attacked by the enemy fro...
表里同病 exterior-interior concurrent...
表里如一 be the same outside and insi...
表里山河 situated at the foot of a hi...
表里相应 a coordinated action from wi...
表里相济 mutual complementary
表针 watch hand
表链 chain
表链儿 watch chain
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