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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

败局 lost game
败毒 counteract a toxin ruin
败火 relieve inflammation or inte...
败笔 a faulty stroke in calligrap...
败类 scum of a community
败絮 old cotton wool as stuffing ...
败絮其中 Inside is the cotton waste.
败约 break treaty
败绩 be utterly defeated
败而不馁 not be discouraged by failur...
败肉 decayed flesh
败育 abortion
败育卵 abortive egg
败育子囊壳 bulbille
败育花粉 abortive pollen
败落 decline
败血 sepsis
败血病 septicaemia
败血症 ichorrhemia
败诉 lose a lawsuit
败诉人 defeated suitor
败诉方 party losing the lawsuit
败诉案件 defeat suit
败辱门楣 disgrace one's family
败退 retreat in defeat
败阵 be defeated on the battlefie...
败阵而逃 lose the field and take to f...
败露 fall through and stand expos...
账根据 posting medium
账簿 account book
货主 owner of cargo
货仓 freight house
货仓线 house track
货价 commodity price
货位 goods allocation
货到付款 cash on delivery
货到即提 delivery on arrival
货到支付 delivery on arrival
货单 manifest
货厢 cargo car body
货品 kinds or types of goods
货场 goods yard
货声 cry of one's ware
货好客自来 Good wine needs no bush.
货客船 combination vessel
货已定妥 The goods is ordered.
货币 money
货币交换 exchange through money
货币价值 worth
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