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English translation for "垂泪满面"

falling tears cover the face

Related Translations:
垂泪:  shed tears; weep 短语和例子垂泪满面 falling tears cover the face
仰天垂泪:  gaze up at the sky and let the tears roll down one's cheeks
你是否会垂泪:  would you cry
替人垂泪到天明:  how can a deelove seem deelove
满面:  have one's face covered with 短语和例子泪流满面 tears streaming down one's cheeks
羞惭满面:  be overwhelmed with shame; shame suffused [covered] one's face.; the flush of shame spread over one's face
满面红光:  have a fine colour in one's cheeks; glowing with health; have a high colour; radiant with vigour; shining with happiness
愁容满面:  look extremely worried; (with) gloomy [troubled] contenance; have a mournful countenance; wearing an anxious [worried] look 短语和例子他愁容满面。 he had an anxious expression on his face
泪痕满面:  the face is covered with traces of tears.; the tearstains on one's face; with a tearstained face
满面愁容:  one's face was full of melancholy.; one's face was covered with deep lines of care.; draw [wear; put on] a long face; look very worried
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