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English translation for "满面"

[ mǎnmiàn ] 
have one's face covered with 短语和例子

Related Translations:
垂泪满面:  falling tears cover the face
羞惭满面:  be overwhelmed with shame; shame suffused [covered] one's face.; the flush of shame spread over one's face
满面红光:  have a fine colour in one's cheeks; glowing with health; have a high colour; radiant with vigour; shining with happiness
愁容满面:  look extremely worried; (with) gloomy [troubled] contenance; have a mournful countenance; wearing an anxious [worried] look 短语和例子他愁容满面。 he had an anxious expression on his face
泪痕满面:  the face is covered with traces of tears.; the tearstains on one's face; with a tearstained face
满面愁容:  one's face was full of melancholy.; one's face was covered with deep lines of care.; draw [wear; put on] a long face; look very worried
满面通红:  flush red all over; a blush overspread one's face
满面羞惭:  be very greatly ashamed and turn red in the face; a blush of shame overspread one's face.; a deep flush of shame passed over one's face.; a wave of shame flooded one's face.; be extremely
满面风尘:  travel stained2
满面征尘:  a faceful of travelling dust; travel-worn
Example Sentences:
1.Susie cried quarts, i know she did .
2.I saw with consternation that she was in tears .
3.The goddess received her with angry countenance .
4.Dixon scowled, then shrugged .
5.His heavy face was reddened from sleep .
6.The young man was still depressed .
7.His heavy face was reddened from sleep .
8.Haley stood there in ill humor .
9.He had an anxious expression on his face .
10.He was grave and pale now .
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