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English translation for "宏块"


Related Translations:
直宏:  naohiro
恒宏:  tsunehiro
宏编程 宏程序设计:  macroprogramming
运行宏:  play againplay macrorun macro
园宏:  sonohiro
光宏:  mitsuhiro
智宏:  zhi-hong sun
宏扬:  enhance
正宏:  masahiro
宏库:  macrolibrary
Example Sentences:
1.A content - based variable - size block partition method for h
2.A novel macro - block layer rate control algorithm in low bit - rate
3.Utilization and redetermination of macroblock type in video spatial definition downscale transcoder
4.Information technology - advanced audio video coding standard part 7 : mobility video . audio video coding standard group of china , doc
在本文中,将介绍一种新型的宏块级帧场自适应的算法ambaff 。
5.If this frame field adaptation is extended to macro block level , the coding efficiency will be further increased
在h . 264 avc中,图像级的帧场自适应paff编码和宏块级的帧场自适应mbaff编码都被采纳。
6.This article discusses the modified frame rate control algorithm based on tmn11 and the modified macroblock - layer rate control algorithm
7.The second technique is error tracking . it is implemented at the encoder . it can terminated the error - progagation affects by intra refreshing the affected macroblocks
8.Third , the other key algorithms of transcoding in dct domain was introduced , including : motion compensation in dct domain , the choosing of macroblock pattern and rate control
而后,介绍了dct域转码中的其它关键算法,包括: dct域的运动补偿算法,宏块模式的选择,码速控制算法。
9.This dissertation presents the research on the fast motion compensation algorithm with the shared macroblock information in the dct domain and rate control algorithm with dct coefficients
10.For long time , a kind of device called physical inductive loop was used extensively in vehicle ' s count and violation drive , which detect vehicle by inductive loop buried in surface of ground
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