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English translation for "映射到对象"


Related Translations:
映射对象:  mapped object
系数映射:  coefficent mapping
表面映射:  attach video to surface
映射抖动:  mapping jitter
渐变映射:  gradient mapgradient mixermap
尝试映射:  attempt mapping
坐标映射:  coordinate mapping
映射过程:  mapping process
色调映射:  tone mapping
共享映射:  shared mapping
Example Sentences:
1.With jibx , you can easily map an xml structure to an object model or
使用jibx ,您可以轻易地将xml结构映射到对象模型,
2.You can map algorithms to object identifiers to extend the cryptography mechanism to use custom algorithms
3.First , you map an xml schema a dtd , in this case to an object schema ; then you map the object schema to the database schema
首先将xml模式(这里使用dtd )映射到对象模式,然后将对象模式映射到数据库模式。
4.Each of the above is classified as a full domain model mapper , where tables are mapped to objects , object state is maintained , objects follow a connected model as client components interact with the object , underlying database operations are implied either all or some of the time , and an abstract query language works against the object model
Similar Words:
"映射背景表面" English translation, "映射编辑器" English translation, "映射变换" English translation, "映射程序拒绝访问" English translation, "映射处理" English translation, "映射的不动点" English translation, "映射的合成" English translation, "映射的微分" English translation, "映射的线性化扩充" English translation, "映射的直积" English translation