In september the aids community took a devastating blow when merck halted an international human trial of the world ' s most promising potential vaccine against hiv 今年9月,艾滋病研究因默克公司终止了世界上最有希望抵御艾滋病的疫苗的国际人体试验而遭受重大挫折。
It ' s been a busy year for spaceflight : nasa bounced back from a crippling hailstorm to launch three shuttle missions to build up the international space station and tie the all - time annual spacewalking record 据美宇航局太空网12月19日报道,即将结束的2007年是太空飞行史上忙碌的一年:美宇航局在遭受重大挫折之后卷土重来,年内一口气发射了三艘航天飞机,继续进行国际空间站建设,而其年度太空行走时间也创造了新纪录。