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French translation for "abstentionism"

n. abstinence; abstentionnisme
Example Sentences:
1.Irish Republican Army, or Continuity Irish Republican Army, which emerged from a split in the Provisional IRA over abstentionism, active since 1986.
La Continuity Irish Republican Army est issue d'une scission d'avec la Provisional Irish Republican Army dès 1986.
2.I believe that our assembly , using the appropriate means , a matter which we shall have to debate , should set itself the objective of reversing the dangerous trend towards abstentionism by the time of the next european elections and thus ensure that the european parliament , in the minds of our fellow citizens , retains to a high degree the democratic legitimacy it derives from the ballot box.
par les moyens appropriés , dont nous aurons à débattre , je souhaite que notre assemblée se donne pour objectif d'inverser la courbe dangereuse de l'abstention lors des futures élections européennes , de telle sorte que le parlement européen conserve à un haut degré , dans l'esprit même de nos concitoyens , la légitimité démocratique qu'il reçoit des urnes.
Similar Words:
"abstede" French translation, "abstemious" French translation, "abstemiously" French translation, "abstemiousness" French translation, "abstention" French translation, "abstentionist" French translation, "abstentious" French translation, "abstergent" French translation, "abstinence" French translation