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French translation for "eyesight"

[ 'aisait ] 
n. vue
Example Sentences:
1.Counterfeit sunglasses can cause damage to the wearer's eyesight.
les lunettes de soleil contrefaites peuvent endommager la vue.
2.By 1857 however, his eyesight had deteriorated.
En 1857, sa vue se détériore encore.
3.He lost his eyesight before he died.
Il a perdu la vue avant de mourir.
4.Gidō was born with eyesight difficulties.
Gido est né avec des difficultés de vision.
5.EyeSight is Subaru's active safety system.
La Subaru est un ancien modèle de Subaru.
6.In prison his eyesight is drastically decreasing.
Dans les conditions d'emprisonnement, sa vision s’est gravement détériorée.
7.His eyesight became worse with age.
Sa vue s’affaiblit avec l’âge.
8.He himself gradually lost his eyesight after the bombing.
Lui-même perd progressivement la vue après le bombardement.
9.They have quite good eyesight.
Elle possède une excellente vision.
10.He was rejected on the grounds of his poor eyesight.
Il a été rejeté en raison de sa mauvaise vue.
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