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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

foutre v. (vulgar) do, perform; put...
foutre dans la merde v. fuck something up
foutre en rogne v. burn up
foutre la merde dans v. fuck someone up
foutre le camp v. fuck off, bugger off, buz...
foutriquet adj. pip squeakn. pip squeak...
foutu adj. buggered, bloody, ruine...
fox n. fox, family name; fox stu...
fox terrier n. fox terrier
fox trot n. foxtrot, quickstep
foyer n. home, family, house; fire...
foyers n. home, place where one liv...
fp exemption from postagefp (...
fpa adult education-fpa (format...
fplp pflp, popular front for the ...
fr fr (francium), radioactive c...
fr3 french tv channelfr3 (fran...
fracas n. crash, thunder, bang; cla...
fracassement n. shattering, shatter
fracasser v. shatter, smash; pull down...
fractile n. fractile
fraction n. fraction, part
fraction ordinaire n. vulgar fraction
fractionnaire adj. fractional
fractionnel adj. fractional, of or perta...
fractionnement n. fractionation, act of sep...
fractionner v. fractionate, sunder, spli...
fracturation n. fracture, act of breaking
fracture n. fracture, breaking
fracturer v. fracture, break
fragile adj. fragile, delicate, frai...
fragile de la poitrine adj. chesty
fragilement adv. fragilely, weakly
fragiliser v. make fragile
fragment n. fragment, bit, piece; sna...
fragmentaire adj. fragmentary, disjointed...
fragmentairement adv. partially, in an incomp...
fragmentation n. fragmentation, division, ...
fragmentation de fichier n. file fragmentation, condi...
fragmenter v. split, splinter, divide
fragrance n. fragrancy
frai n. abrasion, wear, effect of...
frais adj. cool, fresh, chilly; br...
frais de couverture n. carrying charge, cost to ...
frais de portage n. portage, porterage
frais de transport n. haulage, freight charges
frais divers n. sundry expenses, sundries
frais fixes n. sunk costs
frais journalier n. per diem, amount of money...
frais judiciaires n. legal fees, fees paid for...
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