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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

pudibond adj. prudish, excessively mo...
pudibonderie n. prudery, excessively mode...
pudique adj. modest, bashful
pudiquement adv. bashfully, shyly, timid...
puer v. (derogatory) stink, reek,...
puffin n. puffin, any of several sp...
puffin fuligineux n. sooty shearwater, dark-gr...
pugilat n. fight
pugiliste n. pugilist, boxer, one who ...
pugilistique adj. pugilistic, pertaining ...
pugnace adj. pugnacious, inclined to...
puis conj. afterwardsadv. then, a...
puisage n. pumping, suction
puisard n. sump, drainage ditch, pit...
puisatier n. well digger
puiser v. draw, attract, pull
puiseur n. one who draws
puisque conj. as, since
puissamment adv. mightily, powerfully, f...
puissance n. power, potency, puissance...
puissance de feu n. firepower
puissance de flammes n. firepower
puissance de freinage n. braking power
puissance en chevaux n. horsepower
puissance fournie n. output
puissance occupante n. occupying power
puissances n. powers
puissances infernales n. powers of hell
puissant adj. powerful, strong, forci...
puits n. well, hole
puits de mine n. pit
puits jaillissant n. gusher
pulitzer n. pulitzer, family name; pu...
pull n. pullover, sweater
pull chaussette adj. skinny rib jumper
pull over sans manches n. slippover
pull-over n. pullover, sweater, jumper...
pullman adj. pullman, sleeping car o...
pullorum n. pullorum
pullulement n. pullulation; swarming; ab...
pulluler v. pullulate, swarm, congreg...
pulmonaire adj. pulmonary, lungn. (anat...
pulmonologie n. pulmonology, science of t...
pulpe n. pulp, mash
pulper n. pulper, disintegrator, so...
pulpeux adj. pulpy, fleshy
pulsar n. (astronomy) pulsar, celes...
pulsateur n. pulsator, something which...
pulsatif adj. pulsatile, pulsatory, p...
pulsatile adj. pulsatile, expanding an...
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